Wednesday, April 25, 2018


People are posting photos of 'extra' ponies that have made from the hair that's shedding off their ponies and I could totally do that with Gus, he is a shedding fool. Today I didn't get as much but he is enjoying it and since he is food motivated he is behaving very well, till he starts nibbling at my hand.
Today I put a little Cowboy Magic into his mane and maybe tomorrow I'll try brushing it a bit.

Last night we took them for a walk, Gus was fine for Lan and walked calmly the entire time,
about 10 minutes.

Shadow, on the other hand, is a bit more difficult. He was pulling and running so I let him run and then made him run/work a bit. He finally settled down to graze and it was a bit better. Shadow needs a lot more work and time should do it.

This morning while I worked Gus he was excellent and I turned him loose in the arena so I could work Shadow. As I lead Shadow around, Gus came up behind us. I turned, walked over to him and he let me catch him, easy peasy. Very exciting.

Both mini's need to learn to stand tied so I can use both hands to groom and touch them.

This girl has my heart.

Tonight our first AirBnB guest arrives, I'm very excited. Better get off my butt and clean house.

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