Saturday, April 14, 2018


I need one of these inside the arena to hold the gate closed; currently we're using an old rope tied around the gate & a post.

I was at Coastal & Wilco yesterday & neither had them but we checked online and local Ace stores have them for $12.99. After going through my email I saw Chicks had a sale on manure fork heads & since Wifi broke a tine out of mine last week I decided the $5.99 price was good enough for me. And I ordered 2 gate latches, a few dewormers, a little cowboy stationary set & a small decorative key hook with a horse on it. 

The ponies are stubborn but we're sticking to them. Shadow is about 33" tall and easier to catch and handle but he hates being touched on his off side.
Gus is harder to catch and tough to work with because he is stronger. He is about 37" tall. 
Both the boys are super duper cute and some day should be productive members of society.

We catch & lead them around, touching every part we can get our hands onto then we let them loose in the arena to run and play while I clean stalls. Today its POURING rain so they are stuck in the stalls but at least they are soft stall floors, they have plenty to eat & drink and the stalls are big.

I worked last night midnight till 4am & will do it again tonight. I was lucky this morning to be able to sleep till 2:30pm, something I haven't done in YEARS. 

Yesterday I went with a friend to haul her mare over to a friends place, her friend has a pregnant mare that lost its companion a month ago. Someone else loaned her their 32 year old pony and sadly he got colic and was put down early yesterday morning. When we arrived with our mare he was still lying dead in the barn aisleway. Sad, but they were still waiting for the renderding man.

The mare we took over there is a great mare, its Reign, the mare I had here with Joey for the first summer. Shes a fantastic horse.

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