Friday, September 2, 2016


Two days ago I weighed 160.4 in the morning, yesterday 159.8 and this morning 158.6. Wow, those are RESULTS.
And that's perfectly fine for me.
I am wearing a pair of jeans I couldn't get into for a month.
And with today excellent morning good news, we went to the fair and I ate not just one, but TWO scones and topped it off with a real ice cream cone, strawberry vanilla twist.
So yummy!
This weekend is going to be a long one, next weekend also. Usually I work Saturdays 7:45am-2:45pm but for the next two weekends its being extended to 9:45pm. That's 14 hours. Then 8:30am-2:30pm on Sunday and a quick return at midnight -8am Monday.
September 10th is the Black Diamond 70.3 Long Course that I won't be swimming/biking/running at all, I paid $200 for a good team and now I can't even participate or see them run. Terry will swim, Lily will bike and Brayden run. Yay for them!

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