Monday, July 28, 2014

Kind Of

I'm kind of training for the Iron Girl sprint tri that takes place in 3 weeks. I have been riding my bike the approximate distance once or twice a week but I haven't swam in 2 weeks and I haven't run in even longer.

My previous years bike times on the IronGirl course are:
2009 Danskin 44:42
2009 Trek       44.02
2010 Danskin 39.40
2011 Danskin 38.32

My fastest overall race time is 1:36:27.  My plan every time I race is to do it faster than the time before and I really hope I do this year because they have shortened the course this year. The first year the swim was 1/2 mile, now its only going to be 1/3, the bike is 1/2 shorter and the run is .1 shorter. Iron Girl might not care but they are ripping us off. Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't go the distance.

This is my favorite course and I just found out that Seafair used this last week so next year I'm going to sign up for that one instead of IronGirl. It will have males and females and a stiffer competition, since IronGirl is geared toward couch to 5k couch potatoes.

Linda and I have a place to stay that's right near the race venue at Genessee Park; Julee Warner had told us her other friends, Julias parents, offered their house to her friends for the race since they will be gone. I jokingly said I wanted to do it & then 2 weeks ago got the word that we were in. AWESOME!

Linda and I will carpool in her van to IronGirl and Lan & Steve will carpool to Lake Stevens for their race. Poor Lan, he has to have Brayden with them but at least Lindas not bringing him with us to a houseful of women. Actually he should just stay home or go to a friends house, he should be hanging out with kids his own age instead of only adults.

I've requested race day off work and they better fucking give it to me. Then yesterday I realized I really should ask for the Saturday off too or else they will fucking give me a 2-midnight shift. I don't want to do that, it would fuck up EVERYTHING. I've offered to bring dinner for us ladies and I can't do that at midnight. I'll talk to my boss and let him know that a morning shift would be OK if need be, but I don't want to work later than like 5. Fuckers better listen to me, this is my big weekend of the WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING SUMMER.  If they don't let me have it off then I'll be damned if I offer to do anything for them again for a really long time.

Fucking Gail decided to have her hip replacement surgery today so shes out of work and she knew, SHE KNEW, that it was important for me to have that day off. If I don't get it because they have problems covering her shift or someone else gets sick, I'll put a curse on her. I've done it with other people before and I can certainly do it to her too.

I'm being a BITCH here today.

I would have put more time, effort and energy into training if I had known I was going to get the time off for sure. I've already invested hundreds of dollars into signing up, training and equipment but not knowing if I'm going to get the day off for the race gives me nothing to work toward. When I sign up for Ironman Arizona 2015 I will KNOW that I'm going to get the time off and I will HAVE to do the workouts. Right now I can procrastinate and since its only a sprint I know I can fumble my way through it and be fine.

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