Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lans Race

Lan started his race at 7am but first Terry took a couple pictures of him, the 1st one she sent to me at work. How sweet of her!! 
Isn't he handsome?
June, photo bombing!

Bike start

And coming in for his finish.

20 minutes faster that last year.
I still have no idea how he did against the competition nor how stiff that competition was but from the photos it seems most of the participants were people in our tri club.
The weather here at home on Puget Sound is sweltering, 88* degrees today but out on the coast it was only 62*, perfect for a triathlon. Of course, the people there were whining.
I got up this morning and ran, slowly, 2.59 miles in 31:40, 12 minute miles. its slow but I ran the whole way. Yay me!
It was 62* when I started and it was perfect.
In horsey news:
I am the proud owner of a new to me MANURE SPREADER!
I paid $200 for this the other day, been looking online & they are going for $995+ so its a good 
GREAT deal. Then the guy emailed me & said he had some horse bedding, free, so I got 6 bags of wood pellets. This is almost enough to last me all winter. Score.
Thanks, Mister.

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