Tuesday, July 8, 2014

So over the over protective mothering BS

I went swimming with Linda this morning and she had her 15 yr old son with her. She's always been over protective with him but this morning she was a little over the top.
He had on a wetsuit and we were out in the lake and for once it was quite clear so we had pretty decent visibility in the water. I told him to swim to the bottom of the lake and she had a shit fit.
'NO, He's NOT swimming to the bottom of the lake.'
What? You're not going to let him attempt to dive down? Its only 20 feet deep, he's got a wetsuit on, WE CAN SEE HIM.  But because she's the mommy she won't let him.
Fuck, she needs to let him play with other kids and do this shit so he can grow up. He's not always going to have mommy and daddy RIGHT THERE to take care of him and make his decisions for him. But sadly, he might.
Its irritating as hell that she takes him EVERYWHERE she goes but I tolerate him and he is getting better. He is part of the package deal that is our friendship.
So I am making reservations for me & her to go to NW Trek in a couple weeks to go on their woodland ropes challenge course. I looked at a couple different sites and this one is in a location I know how to get to, its a beautiful place, there is other stuff you can do after the ropes course is finished and its  practice for us going on The Amazing Race.
Its only about $80 each and has 6 zip lines, rope bridges, climbing obsticles and other stuff. We have chosen a date and I'll be buying the tickets/reservations this week.
And HE is not going.

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