Friday, August 1, 2014


Last Tuesday I had such a crappy swim that I quit after 1 lap in the lake, aprox 1/4 mile. My goggles were leaking, wetsuit was tight & bunching up, just not getting in to it. So I got out, got dressed and got away from the lake.
For the next couple hours I was feeling blah and even cried on my way to work, with NO reason to do it. I'm not stressed out, I'm not sad, I'm not working too crazy of hours.
But work was a different day, the system was down 3 boats and we had people going all over and even though they were OK and NICE, it was still a different day.
But I met people who were missing airline flights, trains, dr appts, etc. So I felt much better because I seriously didn't have any reason to cry.

On Thursday morning I met Dave out at the lake and swam a  mile with him. I used a different arm stroke, keeping my elbows high; my toes pointed and used my shoulder to roll my body instead of pushing it with my core.
It worked, it only took us 20 minutes to swim out to the buckets and 18 for me to get back to shore. My fastest time, ever. EVER, for a mile. I felt good, my shoulder didn't hurt and still doesn't and my feet didn't cramp. I did have to stop a couple times to empty my goggles but I got back to shore 1 full minute faster than Dave.
Then a damn leech got on my foot, freaked me out, I made Dave get it off me and I got out of the water, fast. Little fucker.

Today I went back out to the lake and even though I was hesitant to get into the water, I still did and it was just an OK swim. 1/2 mile but I was OK with that since I had such a good swim yesterday.

Then Lan & I rode mtn bike sup Wildcat Lake Trail, 9 miles round trip. I pushed my bike about 3 miles UP and rode about 6 miles all together. it was a HOT ride, I was RED faced well before we got to the top but I rode more, faster, than usual. Lan was happy with me. I tipped over twice, once on the way up and get onto the dirt on the side of the trail and once again at the very end, just couldn't get unclipped on the right side. I literally had 50 feet to go to the end of the trail.

Then we went into Silverdale and did a bit of shopping, didn't find anything I couldn't live without.

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