Tuesday, August 5, 2014

They Just Don't Get It

I'm sick & tired of making plans to, say, ride bikes, and everyone else has to change them.
Last night I told Linda that I wanted to ride Sydney Rd from the lake & back, its totally flat & fast, I wanted to get in some good speed followed up with a lake swim at Horseshoe Lake.
Shes like OK, lets do it.
But this morning she decided we'll just ride from here, not the lake and no swimming.
I have NO PLACE around here when I can get in the flat/fast shit I want to do. I have hills everywhere. I have to leave going downhill and I have to come home uphill, no matter what direction we go or come from. Pisses me off.
So this mornings ride was 12.7 miles of hills, again. I wasn't fast at all, 1:02 total.
But I picked up my mail during the ride and got disappointing news, Wifi's DNA sample didn't work, it was untestable. So I'll have to pull more hairs, pay another $25 and mail it in again.
I need a nap but Lan is going to want to go swimming when he gets home in a few minutes.

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