Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wifi's 1st Dressage Show

We loaded up Wifi and hauled her to her first Dressage show on Saturday.


 It was at Donida Farm Equestrian Center in Auburn/Enumclaw, WA.
This barn kitty was there to great us and hang out. This photo was taken at about 5pm Saturday, there were only a few people in the barn at this time, in a half hour it was full of horses, people and tack.
This is the front of one of the indoor arenas, is got a cement patio and inside there is a wooden deck, for viewing.

Well, this horse, Samuri, had an accident. He came off his trailer & reared up, his handler LET GO OF HIS ROPE, thinking he would just stand there LIKE HE HAS IN THE PAST. He took off, wiped out on the patio above, got up & took off around the back of the outside arenas, wiped out again back there, ran around some sheds, came toward me, I raised my arms to stop him but I knew he wasn't stopping yet. He ran through the barn aisle that was full of people, horses and tack trunks, finally someone stopped him.
His injuries were extensive. This cut was maybe down to the bone.

Anni got it doctored with salve, put on gauze, cotton, a standing wrap and polo wrap. They doctored his many other cuts and abrasions and put him on a trailer for Pilchuck. On Sunday they found out he might have a fractured coffin bone.
Sarah said she knows him, he is a complete ass to work with, he has NO good ground manners. But sometimes those are the best horses.

This first arena on the left is the one Wifi had her warm up ride in.

This is right after Delicia and Wifi finished their Introduction A class.


Reina riding Tessa in her Intro B class, she got 2nd place.

Wifi & Delicia warming up for Intro B

Delicia was very happy with how well Wifi handled herself. She didn't spook at anything, she was calm in the warm up ring with all the other horses running and going around her. She had energy and acted like a little lady.
I absolutely LOVE this photo, it shows her off so well.
Her head is set and she's on a lose rein. she's paying attention to Delicia.
And she's showing off her new bridle. I might have to get one of these for Joey, its got the cut out area behind the ears for comfort and has a padded noseband & chin strap.

Intro A = 52.5%, 2nd place out of 4
Intro B = 55%, 1st place out of 2

I'm totally happy with how well Wifi did and can't wait to find another show to take her to. maybe in another month.

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