Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rumor Has It...

Rumor has it that Ironman will quit doing the Lake Stevens
& Boise 70.3 races 

and move the Coeur d'Alene (CDA) race
from the end of June to sometime in August; I'm betting it would be the weekend currently used for Lake Stevens which would be August 16 of next year.
I had been planning on doing CDA again and had just told Windy of my plans when Linda leaned over & told me the rumor. Linda had been told by Connie and Connie is in the know.
Connie is hosting an Ironman Pro meeting at her home next week, she invited Linda to go 
(but not me)
Connie also invited Linda to stay at her home again during IMCDA this June (but not me).
I had already decided that I would definitely do either
or HITS Arizona

in 2015 and had told Windy I'd like to do IMCDA 2015. With a June date I would have 4.5 months in between to recover and continue my training but if IMCDA is moved to August I would only have 3 months in between, not enough time to rest/recover/retrain for an amature like me. So I am going to have to do some soul searching; train for 3 years and do IMAZ/HITS in 2015 & IMCDA in 2016 or attempt two races in 3 months.
I already know I HAVE to put my all into another IMCDA race so I can beat not just my time but beat it by a couple hours and I also hope to have an awesome PR at IMAZ.
The IMAZ bike course elevation
bike course elevation

Another choice:
Do Arizona 2015 and IMCDA 2016.
Would I want to do 3 laps at IMAZ or 2 out & backs at HITS? I think Lan & I are going to have to take our tribikes to Arizona this fall so we can try out both routes. We don't have to do 112 miles of either of them but at least 1 on each.


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