The other day I was with Linda and she said something like 'people aren't skinny just because some store makes the sizes of their pants a 4 when it should be an 8. Those weren't her exact words but you get the gist of it.
She will never be a size 4; her hips are too wide but that is the only reason. She has the potential to lose just as much weight as me but she's got a binging problem (worse than mine). Right now she is heavier than me but she has a bigger body. Remember, she lied at Ironman and said she lost 107# FOR Ironman when she had been losing weight for 5 years before that and she had NO idea she would be doing an Ironman then. BIG FAT LIE.
But don't try to make it sound like I am fatter than I am. I tried on many pairs of pants at 2 different malls and a few other stores and at ALL of them I fit into a size 4. So just because she's in a 12, don't try to make it sound like I'm lying. I'd like to see her try to get into ANY of my small pants.
Or any of my size 6 or 8 pants for that matter!
By the way, I weighed 139# this morning, exactly where I expected to be. She is 20#'s heavier.
By the way, I weighed 139# this morning, exactly where I expected to be. She is 20#'s heavier.
This morning I was wearing last summers shorts and this is what was happening.

This is a problem I have been having, wearing too big pants with a belt. The 8s still go on my body but don't fit well. The 4s fit well.
In horsey news:
Another horse got hurt in the barn yesterday, injury to the head. The barn owner said his pasture mate kicked him in the head. He was weaving and bobbing, ignoring his food. He is a 28 yr old QH and has been with this other horse for at least 5 years that I know of. So anyway, the barn owner didn't even call the owner and tell her that her horse got hurt. Just ignored it and left him in his stall.
So I brought Wifi home this morning. Just went over, packed up her stuff into the trailer and brought my baby home. She had been off the other day and Delicia couldn't ride so I might as well have her home anyway.
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