Monday, January 28, 2013


Today I was offered a **MAYBE** sponsorship. Yes, me.

I had been chatting with a friend who uses a diving mask for swimming, to plug her nose. I use a nose plug, hate the dang thing but I can't swim without one.

While in Hawaii, whenever I snorkel, I use a dive mask and its fine. So she is offering to help me get a free dive mask, an $80 value, for free and I will in turn sport their sticker. Or, as she calls it, being sponsored.

This is too funny on so many levels!
  • I am a slow swimmer
  • I hate swimming
  • I am not fast on the bike
  • I can barely run
But if they want to give me a free dive mask & have me use their sticker, I'm all for it. Heck, I'd temporarily wear a tattoo on my forehead if it helped my swim.

Next Monday I'll be joining them for lunch to talk about this.

Linda NEVER got offered any sponsorships. NEVER.

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