Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Facing Disappointments

How is training going? After a long day its back on track.

This morning I got up early, packed my bag and drove out to the lake to swim with Lan, who told me I need to be able to swim a mile in 2 short weeks. So I waited and waited and waited. And he never showed. I do not swim alone, its dangerous so I came home, really upset.

I was ready to send him a WTF? text but deleted it and I waited. A couple hours later he called, he had been stuck at work. By the time he got home he was too tired to swim.

While waiting for Lan to call I made a major life decision: I am going to hire Ryan Chapman as my personal trainer for my Ironman.

 I'm meeting with him Friday evening to iron out the details; he'll tell me what he expects of me and I'll tell him what I expect of him. Hes not cheap but I'll be able to afford him if I'm frugal for the next year. I've got stuff to sell and I'll pick up jobs throughout the winter.

Ryan has never done a full Ironman but he did complete a half Ironman and hes got other clients who are training for the full. He is a Total Immersion swim coach and he gives running lessons. I need to work on my swim and run so theres not a better person to coach me. Lan can go on bike rides with me and coach me on riding, I can ride with Linda and I can ride with Les.

I did get a good ride on Wifi today, ride #6. I also asked Meghan to ride her and she did work on backing, which Wifi doesn't want to do. I'm going to spend time with her bridled, not riding, just asking her to turn, stop and back, with pressure on the bit. I need to long line her is what she needs.

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