Wednesday, September 28, 2011

269 days to train

How is training going? Its going well.

Today training called for 10 x 30 second sprints with 2 minute rests in between. I got 7 done and then my right foot started hurting on the top, pretty badly. I did the 8th one and the foot hurt worse so I stopped. But I got most of them finished and I'm proud of that. 
I thought an hour of rest would make it feel better but it didn't, after sitting in a restaurant at an Appaloosa club meeting it hurt just to walk on it. I'll be icing the foot this evening.

I told Lisa that I hired Ryan and I think shes mad and hurt. I did want to use her as my coach but she is so 'lets wait' and I'm so 'lets get the show on the road'. but yesterday she got together with Linda and they did a couple things so I know Lisa is getting serious now.

I don't know if she told Linda about Ryan because I asked her not to so I'll just have to wait and see if Linda says anything.

I'll be going in to the Physical Therapists office on Friday morning and getting my Functional Movement Screening. I have no idea how much it normally costs for her to do something like that but shes totally willing to barter payment and I'm so cool with that. I'll babysit all winter for free if she helps me.

Horses: I love my horses. a lot.

At the appaloosa meeting this evening we turned in our penny a mile numbers and I had 218 for the year. I padded my numbers because I know Meghan was cheating but tonight I realized shes in the younger category than I am so we will both win. Unless some asshat puts in more miles at the last minute. I simply don't see that happening as last year only 1 person did it at all and he put in like, 8 miles.

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