Thursday, September 8, 2011


How is training going? ho hum today.

I woke up early this morning to go for an early morning swim. I don't NEED to swim today, it is a taper week for me, but I still want to get as much in now, before fall, that I can. Horseshoe Lake is nice and warm, closer to home than Wildcat and much, much cleaner. I was dressed, had my bag ready, had everything ready to go & received a text, Linda can't go.

 Linda decided to go kayaking yesterday and is sore today so she decided to go to yoga instead. I understand, if I were sore I'd rather do yoga instead too. But *I* am disappointed because I don't swim alone, its not safe. Partners are needed. And I was ready to go. I got out of bed EARLY.

Yes, I'm whining but this is MY blog and I'll whine if I want to.

Meghan is supposed to come over for a while and we'll work Wifi. I rode her again yesterday and it felt really good but shes getting frustrated, she doesn't know what I'm asking. Its going slow but that's OK, it was only our 4th ride. Today my goal is to get off the lunge line and/or keep her going forward a few times around a circle.

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