Saturday, September 4, 2021

We've Got Covid

 Last week Lan came home early on Wednesday, coughing & a fever. I went to work & had Thursday off, where I drove my son to his dentist appointment. Friday Lan was feeling up to taking the SXS to Liberty, WA so we packed up & left. Saturday morning I was dizzy & coughing. We stayed till Sunday morning & then he drove us home, where we both came in & went straight to bed.

Monday morning we went to Silverdale & got tested, Tuesday morning the POSITIVE results we returned to us. Since then our fevers have come & gone, Lans getting up to 103.9, my highest was 100.9.  Other symptoms:





Body aches




Weight loss

Loss of taste

Taste of metal



I'm sure there are others that just aren't coming to me right this second. Its day 10 for him, day 8 for me. Every day I make us do all the necessary chores that HAVE to be done, whether or not we feel like doing them. We both need to get fresh air & exercise our lungs and besides last Sunday when we got less than 2000 steps, I've gotten at least 5000 except Thursday I didn't even get 2000. I spent that whole day in bed. It was an extremely rough day for me.

He was able to get a prescription for cough medication that helps a LOT. Hes also gotten phone calls from his doctor, the CDC & the county health department. I haven't gotten any calls from anyone except our HR & thats because I called them first. I'm very pissed off that my doctors office hasn't returned my calls at all.

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