Saturday, November 21, 2020

We Got A Full Price Offer

We got a full price offer for the farm,

had it listed on Zillow for $649,999

The couple who offered are from San Diego

I sincerely hope they appreciate at least the house

They aren't hors people & it hurts my feelings that they won't even appreciate the quality of the barn

The lady was about 30, said they have a 2 year old daughter, an African Gray Parrot & an Australian Shepherd. That damn dog will just chase the chickens that I offered to leave here for them.

They wanted to keep our generator, the riding lawn mower & the tractor with all the implements. WHF do they want a tractor when they don't even do farm animals? We said NO on the tractor. 

When they tried to offer $15,000 less for no tractor, we said take it or leave it.

On Wednesday they had the inspection.
Yesterday it was the water test.
Then the septic inspection, which didn't go well. They discovered that one of the two arms has failed & practically accused us of 'fixing' the other one.
Today said they want $25,000 credit for repairs to septic and that the roof over the implement shed leaks so it needs to be replaced & there is no insulation under the floor except in the kitchen but rats got into that so its ruined. 
I said no, price is $650,000. Take it or leave it.
Stubborn assholes will probably take it.

I don't want to move, we have no place chosen to move to. I don't want to live with my in-laws, they are hoarders & their house smells. I'd go to work stinking to high heaven.

We should know Monday morning if they choose to purchase or back out.


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