Saturday, November 7, 2020

Cleaned The Barn

The barn wasn't too messy but I wanted to straighten it up some & get current photos.

At the front end, this is Macks stall that Wifi uses and Gussys stall just past it.

From the back.

You can just about see the aisleway net. It came off a ferry & fits here perfectly. Horss could easily jump it but its a psychological barrier more than anything. They all respect it.

Four of the stalls have corner feeders but Gussys is too high for him so he gets his bit of grain in a rubber feeder on the floor.
Actually all of them are getting theirs in tubs on the floor right now.

I love that there is water in the middle of the barn aisle

Are a safe place to hang halters where the horses can't get to them & mess them up.
This red & white rope is used more than all the rest put together.

Wash rack

This drain grate came from the same farm where we got the stall fronts

Stalls from the back of the barn. I've got hay in this one right now & there are a bunch of colored hay nets just waiting to be fed to the horses. They are color coded, blue for Joey, green for Wifi, red for Gussy & black for Mack. That doesn't mean they aren't all fed out of whichever one I feel like giving them but Gussy gets a lot less hay, Wifi gets more than him & both boys get about 10 lbs each feeding.

That net on the door is from the ferries, I've got 2 & they make great barriers to keep the horses in if I don't want to have the doors closed.


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