Saturday, November 7, 2020

Unplanned Time Off

 I deliberately bid into an on-call shift at work so I could get out of the sellers booth for a while & do some Traffic & Plank shifts.  

This is an older photo with a now retired and much missed Wendi directing traffic onto the ferry.  We're supposed to stand between the 2 loading lanes of traffic and have them go out & around but there are too many on their cell phones & not paying attention so I get them started & then get out of the way. 

Traffic people have it pretty easy at our dock, since theres only one boat every hour & 15-ish minutes, they can relax a lot.

Heck, everyone there can.

This is Craig in the sellers booth. Its about 5 feet wide & 10 feet long. When selling, we're mostly stuck in here for a 10 hour shift. Plus, you never get to stop working because everyone has to come through the booths to get onto the dock.
There are also a lot of people looking for the motel, conference hall, museum & a plethora of other places & we have to open the gate & send them on their way.

This is taken from the Plank cab area. This is where people walk onto & off of the boats. When doing this shift you push buttons to raise or lower the cab & the apron, once in a while you'll push another button. Thats it. We make it look harder than it is.

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