Saturday, November 21, 2020

We Got A Full Price Offer

We got a full price offer for the farm,

had it listed on Zillow for $649,999

The couple who offered are from San Diego

I sincerely hope they appreciate at least the house

They aren't hors people & it hurts my feelings that they won't even appreciate the quality of the barn

The lady was about 30, said they have a 2 year old daughter, an African Gray Parrot & an Australian Shepherd. That damn dog will just chase the chickens that I offered to leave here for them.

They wanted to keep our generator, the riding lawn mower & the tractor with all the implements. WHF do they want a tractor when they don't even do farm animals? We said NO on the tractor. 

When they tried to offer $15,000 less for no tractor, we said take it or leave it.

On Wednesday they had the inspection.
Yesterday it was the water test.
Then the septic inspection, which didn't go well. They discovered that one of the two arms has failed & practically accused us of 'fixing' the other one.
Today said they want $25,000 credit for repairs to septic and that the roof over the implement shed leaks so it needs to be replaced & there is no insulation under the floor except in the kitchen but rats got into that so its ruined. 
I said no, price is $650,000. Take it or leave it.
Stubborn assholes will probably take it.

I don't want to move, we have no place chosen to move to. I don't want to live with my in-laws, they are hoarders & their house smells. I'd go to work stinking to high heaven.

We should know Monday morning if they choose to purchase or back out.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Cleaned The Barn

The barn wasn't too messy but I wanted to straighten it up some & get current photos.

At the front end, this is Macks stall that Wifi uses and Gussys stall just past it.

From the back.

You can just about see the aisleway net. It came off a ferry & fits here perfectly. Horss could easily jump it but its a psychological barrier more than anything. They all respect it.

Four of the stalls have corner feeders but Gussys is too high for him so he gets his bit of grain in a rubber feeder on the floor.
Actually all of them are getting theirs in tubs on the floor right now.

I love that there is water in the middle of the barn aisle

Are a safe place to hang halters where the horses can't get to them & mess them up.
This red & white rope is used more than all the rest put together.

Wash rack

This drain grate came from the same farm where we got the stall fronts

Stalls from the back of the barn. I've got hay in this one right now & there are a bunch of colored hay nets just waiting to be fed to the horses. They are color coded, blue for Joey, green for Wifi, red for Gussy & black for Mack. That doesn't mean they aren't all fed out of whichever one I feel like giving them but Gussy gets a lot less hay, Wifi gets more than him & both boys get about 10 lbs each feeding.

That net on the door is from the ferries, I've got 2 & they make great barriers to keep the horses in if I don't want to have the doors closed.


Unplanned Time Off

 I deliberately bid into an on-call shift at work so I could get out of the sellers booth for a while & do some Traffic & Plank shifts.  

This is an older photo with a now retired and much missed Wendi directing traffic onto the ferry.  We're supposed to stand between the 2 loading lanes of traffic and have them go out & around but there are too many on their cell phones & not paying attention so I get them started & then get out of the way. 

Traffic people have it pretty easy at our dock, since theres only one boat every hour & 15-ish minutes, they can relax a lot.

Heck, everyone there can.

This is Craig in the sellers booth. Its about 5 feet wide & 10 feet long. When selling, we're mostly stuck in here for a 10 hour shift. Plus, you never get to stop working because everyone has to come through the booths to get onto the dock.
There are also a lot of people looking for the motel, conference hall, museum & a plethora of other places & we have to open the gate & send them on their way.

This is taken from the Plank cab area. This is where people walk onto & off of the boats. When doing this shift you push buttons to raise or lower the cab & the apron, once in a while you'll push another button. Thats it. We make it look harder than it is.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Night

Tonight is the big night, when we discover if President Trump wins or if we get a new president. I voted for President Trump, again, because I believe he is the man for the job. 

Since he has been in office I personally have been able to save for retirement, I have been able to take some awesome vacations and I've just never been so financially secure. Our entire country has been more prosperous than at any other time in our history.

I'm not watching the news, I'm not listening to the radio & I'm not talking politics to anyone. I can post here simply because this is MY page where I post my own thoughts.

I'm not a person who prays much but I am praying that enough people will vote for him, again.
In our state, Washington, our current governor is Jay Inslee, a Democrat, that is RUINING our state. 

He promised NO NEW TAXES but has raised them higher than any previous governor. The people of the state have voted THREE times to have $30 car tabs yet Inslee and his cronies have beaten us down, this last time they said we didn't know what we were voting for.
Inslee has shut down our state & ran small business out of business, he's made it a crime if we don't wear a mask in public and he has let the druggies run rampant & said its OK for the rioters in Seattle to be there. 

So along came Loren Culp, a decent human being, a police chief from Eastern Washington, a K-9 cop. He is a Republican and he believes in what I believe in.

We went to one of his rallies & listened to him speak. He was approachable & kind. He isn't a career politician. Here is a bit of an article about Loren Culp:

When he applied to be a police officer 10 years ago, Loren Culp was 49. He had no experience in law enforcement, but said the job would fulfill a childhood dream.

Six years later, the former construction business owner was promoted to police chief in Republic, a town of 1,100 people in northeastern Washington. In that role, Culp has managed a department that, at its peak, consisted of himself and one other officer.

Now, Culp is applying for a much bigger job: leading Washington state, with a population of 7.6 million and more than 68,000 state employees.

Get the entire interview here:

This is my choice for Governor, the small town guy who knows how life actually is. He said his first change if he wins is to withdraw the mandatory mask mandate & get small businesses open again. I sincerely hope Mr. Culp wins.