Friday, November 18, 2016

Siked Up For Nothing

After getting myself all siked up to go to Pt D, they have figured out another mistake on the work bids and I'll be staying at SouthWorth. Which is fine, I am really enjoying the hours I have there. All days off, only staying up like I'm watching tv late into the night. I do miss some sleep but Its working out for me anyway.

Watched a terrible movie about a lady training for a triathlon, she wants to qualify for Kona but she barely trains and a 5 yr old kid can ride a bike faster and better than she can. It was actually a movie about a
psycho serial killer/ personal trainer. I read a review earlier in the day so when Lan found it on Netflix I knew we had to watch it. We had fun shredding it to pieces. I can't see ANYONE wanting to become a triathlete after watching this movie.

The appraiser is coming tomorrow so today we spent the day cleaning house. It looks good now, hope it looks good in a week. I hope he gives us a good result.

Ironman news:
Tomorrow after the guy is gone I'll be showing Lan the Ironman training plan and explaining how it works. Hes not going to like it because he doesn't like anything structured but that's why it will work, its structured. I'll volunteer to go to the pool with him to count laps and time him, I'll go to the track to do the same thing there. I'll keep tabs on all his bike rides; miles ridden, speeds, HR, hilly/flat/fast/tempo. He will appreciate it after we've got a month of time in and he can SEE results.

He did awesome at his first Ironman, we can make him so much faster that he can beat half the guys in his A/G if he lets us do it.

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