Friday, November 11, 2016


The installer came to measure the floors and make room dimensions today and he had a couple suggestions. With so many options for types/colors/thickness, etc of new floors, its hard to make decisions. We don't even know what questions to ask. This is the one I really like, Acac
I like it because it has various colors so it would hide dog hair and dirt well and its also not flat so it would hide scratches.
This is Karens house where they used it, its gorgeous.
This is a google photo, shows the wave of the planks.
This is the floor in the store where I was standing on it. It was taking a beating and still looking good. 

But Lan doesn't like it, he wants something more traditional like our old house.
NO. I'm not in to the old oak stuff this time.
I love the look of this Hickory but its not as hard as we need.

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