Monday, February 1, 2016


In triathlon, you take recovery very seriously. When you're training hard, 4-6 hours on an easy day for 6 days a week, you need to rest and recover. Sleep and down time. Then it's even more important when it goes up to a couple days of 8+ hour days.

Being injured from the car accident has been an entirely different kind of recovery. I am having a hard time doing it and I want to get back to training. Chiro and massage visits 5 times a week have gone down to 3 times and that makes it way easier to accept.

I have a half marathon in 2 weeks and I'm just not going to be ready for it. Its going to be extremely hilly, cold and wet. But at the same time, it will be a lot of fun. Its on the islands at Fort Ebey Kettles and the views there just can't be beat. Lan is doing the 5k and I will do the half with Linda; Steve and Brayden will do the half but finish way before us girls do.

The horses are doing well, finally. Joey is getting over the pigs and will now go out of the arena and back in much easier. Last night he still wanted to come in the back gate but at least he's coming in.
Wifi and Sunshower don't care about the pigs and are thriving. Wifi's butt is getting so big from walking up and down the hill in the back pasture, she's going to look amazing when she finally gets to go to her first show this year. She's also doing GREAT long lining and prepping for carting.

The pigs are getting friendlier. This morning the boy let me pet his back before he scooted off slowly. Eating is more important to him than not being touched.

I ordered an enlarged 16 x 20 print of Wifi from a show, a 3/4 view of her head looking away, on a bright sunny day. I've found another photo that I'm going to get made into a 36 x 48 watercolor of her and make into art for the living room. So excited for these things happening.

Made this sign the other day out of an old barn board:

I have so many more projects I want to do and with slow work hours I can do these at my leisure.

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