Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Another Good Run

Today got another good 3.1 mile run in at Jackson Park. Love that running is finally happening for me again.

Its been brought to my attention that Sarah Goathouse has been blaming people for injuries happening to her own horse in the last few months. Since I haven't seen either of them in a year I have no idea what the fuck shes talking about but wish she could just accept that bad shit happens to horses and 'Someone better not be doing it to her horse' is BS. Sarah is a psycho that needs to be on her medication but self medicates, making her a worse person than if she didn't take it at all. I feel sorry for her oldest daughter that she hates, she gets so much crap and abuse from her asshole mother. One day I hope the daughter goes to the authorities.

My horses are turning in to art. Got these photos made into cartoon type drawings and printed out.

This one of Wifi is a fave of her, I'm picking up a 36x48 print to tomorrow. Its going to be made into wall art for our home.

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