Saturday, May 16, 2015

Armed Forces 5k, Bremerton

I paid for this race a few weeks ago, thinking its local, just a 5k, should be fun. But little did I know that HARDLY ANYONE KNEW ABOUT IT. I didn't want to run it alone, I mean, I wanted to run alone but not be hanging out all alone at the starting line and I really had a 10 mile run I needed to do today.
I asked Amanda if she wanted my entry since I was too lazy to find parking but she's in Tucson.
But Suzie saw that post and said she would meet me at the Safeway and we could ride together. Suzie was there to support Nancy, who was running/walking with her new prosthesis for the first time.
The reason I wanted to run this race is because the money goes to the Armed Forces and I would get to run through the tunnel that ferry traffic uses to exit our dock.
Somehow, toward the end of the race, they accidently put bleachers on top of the directional arrows and I cut my run short, from 3.1 miles down to 2.61. many people did it, I was just following the crowd. If they had all turned, I would have turned also. But I didn't know if the GPS had worked through the tunnel or not so truly had no idea where I was at.
But I finished the 2.61 in 25:55 and that made me happy. I was trying for a PR
(29:21, flat course, 12.3.2011)
but this was a bit hilly and since its cut short its all moot anyway. I might have gotten below 31 minutes though.
After the race Suzie and I talked each other into running 7.5 more miles, for a total of 10 for the day. We met up an hour later on Beach Drive in Port Orchard and along the way saw Lisa Madson with her friend, going the wrong way.
They were looking for a restroom, that's the sewage treatment plant right behind them.

Only a mile to two left. Suzie wasn't feeling too great, she's been fighting a few old injuries.
I felt GREAT.

After 1hr 23mins we were done.
Today was my longest run in a very long time, since Race For A Soldier on September 29, 2013. WOW, too long between races.
No wonder I got fat.

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