Saturday, March 29, 2014


We are looking for a new property to purchase that has a barn, garage, at least 5 acres and a house to live in. But Im thinking Id like the house to come first this time, not as an after thought. Here is one we talked about but its in Pierce County, they don't allow outdoor fires and are sticklers for cutting trees down. But this place is right next to Alpine Tree Forest, I wouldn't have to ride the road to get to it or only 1/4 mile on dirt roads.

I know Id have at least 1 summer time boarder wanting to use the Alpine trails and I could ride forever. No arena though and I don't remember if there is still a round pen or not.
The people are hoarders, the house could be totally trashed inside for all I know and they DO have at least 6 dogs, maybe 7. Indoors. Running rampant.

If we do move we're preapproved for about 300k but we don't want to go that high.

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