Friday, January 3, 2014

Sarah, Renata, Giddeon, Joey, me

We went out to 360 today.

Sarah rode Renata, her new 11 yr old polish Arabian mare. Sweet horse, likes to go, not stupid.

Giddeon went too. He lives with Sarah.

I love this view.

It was about an hour ride, 2.5 miles.

Renata is only about 14hh, Sarah is about 5'2". They are perfectly sized for each other and are making a nice team.

Joey is 18 this year.

He wanted to go back out onto the trails and wasn't happy that we wouldn't turn around.

After we got home we let him go out & roll, then go into his stall to eat.

Giddeon is about 3 and looking very mature compared to the last time I rode with him. Nice dog.

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