Thursday, September 5, 2013

Going nowhere slowly

I haven't been working out much, haven't been on my tri bike in over a month. Supposedly I'm supposed to do a sprint this weekend and a HALF IRONMAN in 9 days.


I'll do the spring, its local and can be for fun & games.  For the HIM I am going to ask for a deferral to next year. I'll say I've got ITB or something. I just do not feel like doing it and I'm not trained.

Last night I went to the lake and swam and I feel like I'm getting slower and slower. Everyone I swim with is faster than me. Only, and I mean ONLY, 2 people that I've swam with this summer are slower than me, Barbara & Rhonda. And they are codependent sisters that I can't stand anymore.


Lan finished Ironman Canada Whistler in
I couldn't be more proud of him, he is so incredibly awesome.

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