Friday, September 20, 2013

Well I got out of that

I contacted the people at Black Diamond and told then I have ITB issues & they refunded my money for the race. I feel better about it. I haven't been training and have too much stuff to do around the house to be able to.

Around the farm I have been getting a lot done that I have ignored for 2 years. The arena fence is mostly all rebuilt (thanks Lan) and its got light poles put up for nighttime riding. I have pressure washed the whole fence and most of its has been painted, black again. I'll finish up that job in today.

There is a fence along the dead end road that needs washing and painting so I better get out & do it. its supposed to rain this evening & then who knows when I'd have time to do it?

I am interested in endurance riding and think I'll try it on Wifi. The only thing I don't like is that she would need shoes for it & shes never had them before. I'll have to tell Gary to be sure to hammer on her hooves when he does her next trims to she gets used to it.

I wonder if Sunshower could be my endurance horse? She doesn't enjoy trail riding but maybe she could get used to it? I like her on trails, shes short so I can get on easily enough, I trust her.

Sunshower had a bout of colic the other day, I brought her out to the arena with me and gave her Mineral Oil then just kept an eye on her.
Sunshower, 2 years ago

She was fine in a short while but I gave her the foaling stall with shavings overnight.  I had treated her for sand with Bentonite earlier in the day so I'm sure that was the cause so when I give her more Bentonite today there will be a LOT more water in it. I mix up Beet Pulp with the Bentonite in it, it clears the sand out of the horses belly. A lot cheaper than Sand Clear.

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