Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ironman Canada Whistler

Lan will be racing Ironman Canada Whistler this Sunday so I've spent most of today preparing for his trip. I tried to pack some of his gear & special needs bags but I have no idea what he wants to take. I had no problem getting mine together because they were for me & I knew what I like. But I'm not Lan.
So when he got home his priority was to WASH THE CAR.
That's so not on the list of things that need to be finished before he leaves tomorrow. He had some bike gear packed but that was IT. Nothing else. I got ALL his fuel for race day ready, I got all his clothes washed. I packed towels, bathroom stuff, MY stuff, food for the week, made up meals. I found my lists of stuff for bags & big baggies for all the shit but of course he didn't thank me for them.
Im stressing out & I'm not even the one racing.
So I packed the tequila for me.

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