Monday, September 17, 2018

Puyallup Fair 2018

We had Joey, Wifi & Gus spend the nights in their stalls last night with the use of their runs for the first time. They all did well.
Mack spent the night in the arena because he is big enough that the others can all see him and not freak out that they can't see any other horses. So he knocked down this board and drug these blankets into the dirt. 

Then I went to the Puyallup Fair with my pal, Tina.

This ISN'T Tina.

We ate huge corn dogs.

I watched how this guy braided tails, now I want to try it with Gus.

Then I watched this gal braid Franks mane. I think I could do it with Gus's mane.

Old time poster.

The Walking Dead bobble heads

I bought scones and ate a lot of scones. Then I gave Wayne & Linda some, because he fell down & got hurt. I helped him get back up.

This is Frank, the dark blur on the left. He was a stinker.

Taking a tractor ride just to rest our feet.

Hand painted ceramic, won BLUE.

Bumper Cars!!  These were so much fun.

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