Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sacking & Fires

When we first moved here 3 years ago the back pasture was all over grown with blackberries, weeds and alder trees. There were a couple big piles of tree stumps and junk left behind from the previous owner, some with metal mixed in.

 Lan moved them all down to the bottom of the front pasture and we added to them over the last few years, mostly not having time to burn stuff before the summer burn bans and then it was too wet after the removed it.

But its been mostly dry for a few weeks with a couple hot days and Lan started the burn yesterday.

The stuff behind my head was all dirt & wood mixed up, including bed springs & who knows what all else. 

We got a lot of branches off the upper pasture

This morning & today its still burning even though last night it rained pretty good

The dirt was all spread out & metal removed. I'm sure there is more out there but we will pick it up when we find it.

 While I was sacking out Gus, which he HATED, Shadow decided to go out & enjoy some grass.

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