Monday, May 14, 2018

2018 Mothers Day

Mothers Day weekend was a good time. Lan & I had both our parents, Brandan came and a few friends, we had a simple BBQ with just burgers & a couple salads. No big deal & I didn't stress out about having the house perfectly clean. The weather was mid 70's with a clear blue sky.

The BBQ was at noonish  so in the morning Lan & I went to a couple yard sales and Tractor Supply, where they were having a small aminal swap in the parking lot. That was cool because I picked up a dozen pheasant eggs for $10. I brought them home & put 6 under a hen and 6 in the incubator with 8 fresh chicken eggs. we'll see if ANY of the eggs hatch.

This morning Gus

let me walk right up to him in his stall with a rope and catch him, then while grooming he let me pick up both front hooves and tap on them, as if he were getting shoes nailed on. Gus will NEVER have shoes on but he needs to feel all sorts of different feelings and big horses get shoes nailed & hammered on. He is moving forward with leaps and bounds.

 Our front yard is absolutely BEAUTIFUL right now and smells wonderful.

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