Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Gus is beginning to enjoy being groomed, today he stood patiently while I brushed his body and then the whole time I combed out his mane. Its super thick, on both sides of his neck but surprisingly there were no dreadlocks. There is still a lot of hay in it but for now we'll let that go.

I also cut a bridle path through all that hair to make his halter fit a bit better.

His hooves were trimmed by the vet in Canada before they came here and they look ready for another trim now so I'll need to work on lifting feet more.

And the excess hair was placed outside on the fence for the birds to use as nesting materials.

Shadow is going to need more help than I can provide, he is not accepting grooming very well nor me being on his off side. I'm not a horse trainer so I am searching for someone else to assist with this.

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