Monday, March 26, 2018

Sad, A Week Later


Katie Phillips

If everyone on earth were as happy and funny as Katie, the world would be a better place.

Last week Katie worked the 8pm-4am shift at Southworth dock. After she got off and was on her way home, she came across a car that had run out of gas. Katie drove to the gas station, got gas & was putting it into the car when she was struck & killed by another passing car. That car fled the scene.

A couple days later they found his car with evidence that matched what was left at the scene. He hasn't been back to the dock and he hasn't been back to work. But the cops know who it is and are looking for him.

Turns out he was a regular commuter, always took the 4:25am Fauntleroy to Southworth boat and worked in the shipyard. Its on video, his pulling up to the F dock in his older gold Impala, getting his ticket scanned by the ticket taker & him being on the boat & exiting the boat at SW at about 4:55am.

We were told Katie didn't suffer and for that I am grateful.

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