Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Barn Drama!

This is the girl at the latest local schooling show with Mack. The family was bitching about him having no 'A' system experience (which he does) but yet all they do is show him at schooling and WASET shows. Maybe some 4H.
Today I received this notice in my FaceBook messaging... 
I don't know if I've ever met Robin or Cassie but I've blocked them, along with the daughter, the CRAZY mom, the barn owner and one other little old lady from the club. 

And who in their right mind thinks a message via FB is going to be anything LEGAL??

The family NEVER owned him, they chose not to purchase him due to all his issues (which were ALL created by them) at a highly discounted amount. The owner was previously asking $10,000 and offered Mack to them for $3,000. If they follow through with this BS, they will pay more for the lawyer than they would have for the horse.

I called the president of our Appaloosa club and told her exactly why I'm not going to meetings for a while and she told me that CRAZY told her I had a beef with her & that's why I didn't go to the show. I told the FB members page that I was going to be working. Club President isn't happy about all of this and agrees with Meghan and me. I told her I WANT to continue to be VP of the club but I do not care to be harassed by that family. Speaking of harass, I suggested to the owner that she send a CEASE AND DESIST letter to them. 

Today Mack is looking better, a bit more chipper but he is still not 100% himself. I'm hoping his owner can get a horse urine drug test so we can see whats up. Look at Macks eyes in the photo, they are glazed. Pretty much looks drugged to me.

If happy horsey news:
Wifi is getting her beautiful white spring coat and she looks AMAZING right now. I'm going to groom her tomorrow and get some pretty photos. I also need to contact Gary to come do trims.

Joey is so happy to have Mack back, they have picked up right where they were before. Joey follows him around chewing on his tail. That's not going to be happening long, we might need to put something icky tasting on it. One solution is cayenne pepper & Vaseline  and another is a concentrated tail conditioner that's left in the tail, full strength. it will taste icky but won't hurt the tail. I know I have cayenne pepper & Vaseline but I'll see what I've got in the barn tomorrow and talk to owner more then. One suggestion I found online what that you should remove the tail chewer from the herd for a month and they would forget it but Mack is the ONLY horse he chews the tail of.

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