Sunday, March 11, 2018

Fun Trip

Flew into Denver on March 5th
Spent time with my brother, sister in law, niece and nephew in law

Then Lan & I drove to Steamboat Springs

Along the way we stopped in this small town, Walden. I fell in love with the place, so cute.

At Steamboat, here is a list of the lift tickets for that day: 
Lan knows the director of the Steamboat Springs Ski School so his equipment rental and lift ticket were only $30. It was an incredible deal.

And he had a beautiful day to ski

We went out for Mexican that night, first time I'd seem a stuffed cow

Steamboat at night

This was pretty

Howelsen Hill Jumps

When we got up that morning it was 9* but warmed up quickly to 14* by the time I was out walking around town. The sunshine made a huge difference and it wasn't wet out so felt a lot warmer.

On Lans birthday we got up and headed out of town, south toward Gunnison. 

Went through gorgeous mountains with a foot of snow 
and dry, desert areas like this.

We met up with my other niece Andrea, and her son Soren in Hotchkiss for lunch. Soren is 6 years old and this was the 1st time we'd ever met. Hugging him felt so good and I fell instantly in love with this little man.

He must look like his dad because he doesn't look like our family.

We got to Gunnison & after dropping off our bags we headed up to Crested Butte Ski Resort. Found Lans friend, US Marshal Pete and we all had dinner together.
This is the BEST pizza in the history of the world.

Walked around the town for a while

And headed back to the Wanderlust Hostel in Gunnison. We had a private room but its beside the bathroom so we had to hear people going pee all night and there were 3 showers all before 6:30am. 
For what we paid (that's a story for another day) it was worth it.

Lan and I have been looking for another place to live, everywhere we go we check things out. Pete turned us on to this small town, Saguache, Colorado, Pronounced 'sə wäch'
Population 488 in 2016

We drove up & down all the streets, found a couple locals arguing.

Went to a realtors office & asked if we could see a couple properties, 2 were in town and one 12 miles out of town.
The two in town were just houses, one small with a small garage and a large shed, the other a 3 story Victorian build in 1870 and made into 5 apartments. It needed a lot of work and who knows what was underneath the vinyl siding but with a foundation of rock & mortar I wasn't too thrilled.

So we saw this house and we both like it, a lot. 
41 acres of scrub brush, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, off grid with propane and solar generator. It seemed to be all fenced with barbed wire and there was a gate at the dirt road.

That window up there, had this view:

Saguache means SAND DUNES in the Ute language and the Sand Dunes are in the distance, just before those mountains.
Saguache is the gateway to the San Juan Mountains, home to the Rio Grande National Forest and the La Garita Wilderness Area

Other views from the yard

This is the hill behind the house. I wish the house were up on top for 360* views.

There is no garage for Lan, no barn for my horses, no safe fencing to keep our dogs home. There are all sorts of wild animals.

Average temps


Plot map

satellite map

Anyway, we're thinking about moving there...

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