Saturday, February 24, 2018

Trip Coming Soon

We're going to Colorado in 9 days for Lans birthday week.
I wanted to take him to Crested Butte to ski but he decided to go to Steamboat Springs instead. At S.S., he can visit and ski with his friend, Nelson. They will have an epic day on the slopes.
I will hang out and maybe do some shopping in town.

March 5 arrive in Denver. After we pick up our car we'll head north,
to Loveland, to visit my brother and his wife.
March 6th we'll head over to SS, where we will stay for 2 nights.
Lan will spend one day skiing and one day just hanging out. 
The Mountain Coaster looks like a TON of fun and I want to ride it.
March 8th, Lans 51st birthday,
we'll head to Gunnison and Crested Butte
& somewhere along the way meet up with my niece, Andrea and her son, Soren.
Soren is 5 and I've never met him.
In Gunnison we're spending the night at Wanderlust Hostel. We've stayed there before, in 2010 during our honeymoon. Fun time. 
March 9th we head back into Denver to spend time with my other niece, Audrey and then fly home in the evening.

Its going to be a busy week, lots of driving & sitting on our butts, COLD and fun.

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