Monday, August 3, 2015

Alone or Not Alone

Sometimes I have to ride my bike on long rides alone and I hate it.
Or, I think I hate it.
But only up until the point of being out on the roads.
I actually enjoy those rides because I can go my own speed, I have to wait for no one else and there is no one to bitch if I have to stop to pee or take a picture.
At the same time I do not like to be out on the roads with out someone who knows where I am. I'll be having a lot of big rides coming up, I need to go 60+ this weekend and get home in time to work at 4:00. That means I need to plan the ride, get my shit ready and hit the road early and not have any problems. I need to know where I'm going, I have to be able to call home if I need to, I have to have someone that can rescue me IN TIME FOR WORK if need be.

And I have to make sure Sylar is doing well. He's had some problems lately that have been bugging the shit out of me. He squeaks, damnit. I know some of that is my shoes but not all of it and there is a clunking sometimes and I don't think its my feet. It feels like the chain is hitting a big ring tooth crooked or something.
I told Lan I want him to ride it 5 miles, not just around the yard, so he can hear and feel it.
If you look closely you will see a lot of dirt and dust on Sylar. I haven't washed him in a year and I've put a lot of miles on him, over 1250 since January. I have Irongirl coming up in 3 weeks so I'm going to give him a bath tonight and ask Lan to tune him up.

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