Saturday, April 4, 2015

So funny its got to be true

Heard a funny rumor yesterday, a horse trainer sent nude pictures of himself to the wrong person. She showed them to another trainer, he told a lady I know and she told me.
I told Sarah G, that HATES MY GUTS, because I knew she would tell the person who received the pictures that this was going around.
Suddenly, I am the person who made all this shit up. Seriously, this is too funny to have been made up. This shit really happened. So I told everyone who-told-who so the chain of rumor is known. At least I told someone who would tell the first lady, instead of me, a virtual stranger, telling her.
And the girlfriend of the picture sender, who knows if she knows or not?? Shes the one I really feel sorry for. I mean, her boyfriend ACCIDENTLY sent nude penis pictures to another lady, when he was TRYING to send them to a guy. Whoa. I don't care if hes gay but don't be hiding behind a relationship with the girlfriend to cover things up.

So here is the chain of rumor:
E took pictures of his penis and sent them to J. J showed them to C, who told B and A about them and that's who told me. I told S, who told J and J is mad that all these LIES are being told. So I told J that C told B and A.

Don't take nude pictures of your penis.

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