Saturday, April 18, 2015

FUN Run today

Today was the inaugural Bremerton Marathon, they started out running around Dyes Inlet, out to Chico and into Bremerton.
I started just before the bunch of hills on the right side
What was unique was that if you wanted to do a half then you started out running and half way around the bay you stopped (in front of Silverdale Cyclery) and handed off the bib to your partner and then that person did the second half.

Steve and Linda did that and when she got to the aid station I was working at slightly before mile 20 I started running with her.
start of my 6.5

She completed 13.1 miles and I ran 6.5. I felt great the whole way because I had to go slow, at her speed. With her RA she cant run fast any longer and she was getting really tired so I took her hand and pulled her up the hills. I was glad I could do that for her, she's done it for me before, more than once.
End of her 13.1 and my 6.5 miles
I feel great, since I had to go so slow. I couldn't go all out at any time and I didn't go twice as far either so for me it was a training day.

Before I started running with her I helped out at the WSTC aid station for 1.5 hours, I had so much fun and saw so many friends. Along the way I saw more friends and it was such a nice day.

Also, its Hagens 11th Birthday!!
We never thought she'd make it to her tenth last year since she had been diagnosed with that tumor on her spleen.  Tonight to celebrate Im going to make her a Pineapple Upside Down Cake. She loves that and I love her.

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