Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When we make mistakes

I made a terrible mistake last Saturday. I let someone from Oak Harbor take my mare. This guy said he needed a step up pony for his daughter to use for 4H so I told him about Sunshower. They came to see her, he rode her, the daughter rode her (pony ride) and they liked her.

Sunshower didn't like them so much, she crow hopped when he rode her. But we figured it might be his weight.

Whatever, I made the mistake of letting him TAKE MY MARE AWAY.  To lease, not sold.

How fucking stupid that was.

Look at her face when I tied her in his trailer right before he drove away with her. She's like,

And then the asshole posts on FB that they really like 'SUNNY'. Fucktard. I TOLD him her name. Don't be lazy and use a name that isn't hers. Fucker.

So today I get a text from him, she crow hopped with his daughter riding so he's going to bring her back home Saturday. Bullshit. I'm going to go get her Thursday.

I'll NEVER do anything this stupid ever again.

I made myself physically ill Saturday afternoon and cried myself to sleep that night, then Sunday I had a hell of a day at work, crying because of it. I wanted to just call and tell him I'd be there at 6pm to bring her back home but Lan said I needed to give them a chance. that the little girl needed a chance to get to know her.
I won't have to worry about that now. I'll see if I can find a young lady around here that would like to do an in-barn lease. Then I can monitor her care and everything and she would have a girl of her own.  I've put out feelers.

It will cost at least $50 for the fuel if I go get her, money I don't have sitting in the truck already. It's about 160 miles round trip to where she's at.

But I can't wait to have my girl back home.

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