Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dinner Out

Last Friday evening I had dinner with some of my triathlon lady friends, Suzie, Windy, June, Linda & Terry. They are a great group of ladies and we are all good friends. June started Triathlon in 2008, Linda, Suzie, me & Terry started in 2009 & Windy in 2010. All of us did Danskin Seattle as our first race and we're all Kitsap TriBabes.

All of them are still in it and after seeing their gorgeous sexy bodies, I'm all over doing it again myself. But not this year, not seriously. I'm still not in the EXERCISE EVERY FUCKING DAY mode. I am still in the I don't give a fuck if I get kinda fat stage of my life. Ironman training last year kicked my ass.

So we ate tasty food (shish ka bobs), watched a movie (Despicable Me 2) and soaked in the tub (hot tub, that is). We all had a fun time catching up with each other even though they actually get together with each other quite often & I'm rarely there. But it was an enjoyable evening.

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