Friday, December 6, 2013

Vacation Bids At Work

It took two weeks after the bids went in for me to find out I DID get my 2 weeks in November 2014 that I want off so I can go to Ironman Arizona and volunteer 7 then sign up for the following year to race.

That's all fine and dandy but now I'm looking for another 140.6 race that's NOT Ironman brand. Vineman, in California in late July, isn't Ironman and its only $300. Half the price, or actually less than half price.

There WAS one in BC Canada, Bigfoot Tri, but I don't know if they still do it. HITS in Napa Valley, Expedition Man in South Tahoe <- 2="" 2nd="" and="" any="" awesome="" before="" can="" city="" costs="" do="" don="" elevation.="" else="" entry="" for="" havasu="" hits="" how="" i="" if="" in="" is="" it="" lake="" let="" no="" november="" p="" race.="" reason="" someone="" t="" thanks="" that="" the="" they="" to="" transfer="" until="" up="" weekend="" weeks="" will="" you="" your="">
I'm not locked into Ironman Arizona, I have lots of time to change my mind and do any other fall/winter race.

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