Sunday, December 8, 2013

MDot Tattoo

I first saw this tattoo on Swim, Bike, Mom, who finished IMCDA an hour before I did. She got this tat within a month.
This one is on my right calf so when I pass someone on the bike they will be intimidated by it and they won't see it as they pass me on my left.
I've been bugging Linda for a long time to go get one & yesterday we finally did it.

This was when he had first started. It did hurt, I knew it would and I was fine until Windy sent me a text. That text made me get teary eyed. I love that girl.


Done already!  It actually took him about 35-40 minutes for mine.
Then it was Lindas turn. She got the same one as me, he used the same pattern.
Moral supporters: Tim & Kris Bartlett, they just did IM Cozumel last week.
Sonja, Lindas friend
Brayden, Lindas son
and me.
I don't know where Steve is...

She was surprised by the pain but handled it better than I did.

Just about done
Meanwhile, in the other room, Lan is getting ready.
He was surprised by the pain too and he had to suffer through a lot more of it than we did.
His took about an hour.
Going nicely, almost done.
And he gets his first look at it.
I am so happy with mine. I do have a previous one & it hurt more to get, its on my back shoulder blade. Don't get one over bone.
I need a picture of all 3 without plastic wrap and all healed.
24 hours later and mine feels sting-y, its a bit rough and warm to the touch. I've been keeping it moist with lotion and protected from weather and rubbing. One day I'll have to get it recolored but this will last for a while.

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