Thursday, October 17, 2013

Horse Trailer Repairs

The horse trailer now has a new floor. This is the old original floor.

The 3 right side boards were rotten, not unexpected for being 15 years old.
Not so rotten that they were going to fall through on the next ride but it was time.
We decided to replace 6 of the 7 boards because
1)it will be done 
2)the ends of all the boards were rotten 
3)they weren't THAT expensive.
Lan had to remove the front kick mat off the wall. That's when he noticed the rust.
He had to sand blast a few parts, cut out some others, replace a few pieces of angle iron & sheet metal. This is the front wall between horses & tack room.

He was sand blasting here, had sand everywhere. Including in his ears.
So hes got the floor boards in & bolted down, now just to trim the side mat that has stretched & bunched up.
And bring the mats in.
He still needs to replace the front wall mat. He didn't want to, said he would do it later. But I know when later is:
So I made him go to the store, get rivets and he did it tonight. That way I wont have to bitch about it forever and its finished.

Probably the only job he has ever completed in a reasonable amount of time and actually finished.
There is still a light pole hole between the arena and pasture, its not safe for turn out in either of those places. I didn't realize the arena had half the hole. Shit, any of the horses could have got a broken leg.

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