Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My retraining starts tomorrow

I'm excited to begin working out again to get in condition for the Black Diamond Half Iron Distance race in September.

I've made my plan for retraining, starting tomorrow with Bike 2 Hrs & 15minute Brick easy . I am using a Chris Lieto training plan, its a 20 week plan but I'm pretty sure I'm mostly OK to start in the middle. Which is exactly where I am, 8 weeks from race day or week 11 of the plan.

Thursday   Bike 2 Hrs   15minute Brick easy

Friday  Swim 50:00  &  Run 50:00

Saturday  Bike 3 Hrs    2x15minute @ race pace, after 1hr warm up w/ 10 minutes rolling recovery

Sunday  Swim 40:00   Recovery/Low Intensity  &  Run 90:00 w/ Hills
I haven't done much of anything besides a few swims & a couple rides since Ironman due to the pain from the blisters on my feet. They are still tender and even just swimming hurts but that's because water gets in them. I've cut away most of the excess skin now so its better and the new skin is getting tougher.
I had already planned on riding with Linda tomorrow and I can do a run afterward. Windy is swimming Friday morning so I'll just swim to Rich's dock. She won't be going that far and going through the weeds alone will freak me out so I might need to recruit Lan to go with me. She can sit at Rich's dock and wait for us.
These are the kinds of plants that grow in the lake and I HATE swimming in them. They go all the way from the bottom to the top and parts are so old and thick that it looks like live tentacles. I don't want to swim through them alone and I'm not mentally that tough. Ugh!
But if I do swim out there I can take the last of the horses out and the next time I can take one of the teensy ones Windy got for me to take there. Or the dragon, Rich might like that dragon... or the duck or sheep or whatever it is.
Horsey News:
 I won't be able to see Wifi's lesson this week because I have a massage scheduled for the same time. Trying to reschedule Wifis lesson because I can't reschedule the massage. But shes looking good and her being trained can't hurt her at all.

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