Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just 5 Days to Go

In 5 days I'll be out on my bike on the Ironman Coeur d'Alene course, hopefully heading into the hills. We're supposed to leave here in 2 days and I haven't even packed yet, I've only gathered together a small portion of the things I'll be needing.

Last year I fretted over packing, freaked out over what goes into a gear bag ~vs~ a special needs bag. I packed everything & repacked, again & again. I'm sure this year I'll forget something important because I'm waiting till the last minute.

There are only a few things I know that I need to purchase, some minty Certs and a new nose plug, maybe some new ear plugs. Yes, my head leaks, yes, I've tried to learn to not need them, no I can't swim without them. After 5 years of trying I know I need them.

I'm going through all the taper things, being bitchy, emotional, irritable. Plenty of self doubt going around here.

I do not fucking want to train for another year.

I'll be swimming with Windy this evening & hope to sell my old Zoot wetsuit while at the lake. I was hoping to sell a scooter & a couple sets of jump standards but those people are flaking out. I might not have any money to buy a finishers jacket and that will suck.

Good news is that the weather is supposed to be about PERFECT.

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