Thursday, June 27, 2013

Am I an Ironman?

17 hours 09 minutes 27 seconds

That's how long it took me to finish my Ironman race last weekend. But I finished before midnight so Mike Reilly called me an Ironman, I got a FINISHERS cap & shirt and a medal and had an amazing finish with minutes to spare. But... has me as DNF. Again. Fuckers.

If you change the swim start then you should be changing your clocks too so that athletes aren't having to do the fucking math all goddamned day. If you make us do the rolling start then you should have your clocks telling us OUR time when we cross a timing matt, not the time you pick. I could have gone a bit faster if I had known I was so fucking close but not quite there.

This is my new friend, Sean. He was the last person to cross that finish line and even though he finished after midnight he still got a medal too and Mike Reilly called him an Ironman. Its not fair that we're being ripped off.

Im pretty angry with IM right now. I'm going to have to spend another $700+ to do it again. And train for another year. FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.

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