Sunday, February 10, 2019

Snowy Farm

Miniature horses can handle the cold and snow just fine, as shown here by Gus. He stood outside in the snow and it melted off his back but froze again on the hair on his sides.  

This photo was taken day before yesterday when we had 2 inches of snow.

Its snowing good again & up to 8 inches 

Heres our home from the road

The barn with just 2 inches. Its so deep now that I wore my snow shoes to go out there & walked around clearing a path for the hens to come outside. They still didn't.

Southworth beach from the dock yesterday morning

Friday night at about 3:45am. John came down & did the best job he could for me.

It snowed 10 inches that night. I didn't have a shovel, except the broken one, had to borrow one half way thru the night. Only 6 bags of salt. I shoveled the sidewalk 3/4 of the way up to the sellers booths, then came back down to the bridge & shoveled there, over and over again. As soon as I cleared it off, it was covered again.
I got off work at 8am and it was coming down hard. Got to within 2 miles from home & the road was closed so had to back track to Fred Meyers where I picked up cold meds, then went to the freeway and drove the 2 miles at 30 MPH till I got to my exit. 

Horses aren't too thrilled about being locked in the arena but at least its not locked in stalls like so many barns in the area. I know a lot of people fear for their horses lives in this weather but they do need to be horses. I'm going to take their hay up to the top of the pasture tomorrow and let them eat up there but I'll have to be sure they get their hooves cleaned out when they come back to the arena. Snow balls in the hooves can hurt them.

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